Felix in the Factory

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The object of the game is to keep the Generator, situated in the bottom right of the factory, filled with oil. If the oil level, shown at the bottom of the screen, gets too low, then the lights will start to flicker and eventually the Generator will stop.

To oil the Generator, you must guide Felix down the ladder, along the conveyor belt jumping over packages, up past the Gremlins to the oil can and then back to the Generator. To help you past the Gremlins use the pitchfork which is hanging on the wall somewhere and run at the Gremlins, knocking them off the walkway.

Another hazard in the factory is the Giant Rat. This will run across a level from time to time. A bag of rat poison is provided which you can jump up to grab. This can be dropped on any of the walkways, and if the Rat runs into it you get a 1000 point bonus. You can jump over the Rat but you cannot jump over the Gremlins.

You can only carry one object at a time, and you drop the oil can if you run into a wall or fall over on the conveyor belt. If you trip over the packages on the conveyor you will be given a chance to get up again, but if you reach the edge of the screen you will lose a life.

An extra life is awarded when you reach a score of 3000 points.

Platform : Acorn Electron
Format : Cassette
Publisher : Program Power
Authors : John Chaytor
Date : 1983
Product Code :

Other Software by Program Power:

Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
Space Fighter Program Power BBC Micro Unknown
Astrobirds Program Power Acorn Atom Cassette Unknown
Adventure Program Power BBC Micro Cassette Unknown
Doctor Who (Demo) Program Power Commodore 64 Cassette Unknown
The Keys of Kraal (24K) Program Power Nascom Cassette Unknown
Space Fighter Program Power Acorn Atom Cassette Unknown
Cosmic Combat Program Power BBC Micro Cassette Unknown
Moonraider Program Power Nascom 2 Cassette 1979
Program Power Add-on Demo Program Power Nascom 2 Cassette 1979
Labyrinth Program Power Acorn Atom Cassette 1981
Disassembler Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1981
Swoop Program Power Acorn Electron Cassette 1982
Demon Dungeon Program Power Acorn Atom Cassette 1982
Swarm Program Power Acorn Atom Cassette 1982
Hyperfire Program Power Acorn Atom Cassette 1982
Adventure Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1982
Where? Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1982
Munchyman Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1982
World Geography Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1982
Roulette Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1982
Asteroid Storm Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1982
Eldorado Gold Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1982
Cowboy Shootout Program Power Acorn Atom Cassette 1982
Business Game Program Power Acorn Atom Cassette 1982
Constellation Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1982
Laser Command Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1982
Galactic Commander Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1982
Moonraider Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Cybertron Mission Program Power Acorn Electron Cassette 1983
Felix And The Fruit Monsters Program Power Acorn Electron Cassette 1983
Laser Command Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1983
AtomStore Program Power Acorn Atom Cassette 1983
Moon Raider (BBC micro) Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Nemesis Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Croaker Program Power Acorn Electron Cassette 1983
Space Fighter Program Power Acorn Atom Cassette 1983
Wall Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Wizard's Challenge Program Power BBC Micro B Cassette 1983
Draw Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Timetrek Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Cowboy Shoot-Out Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Poker Dice Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Swoop Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Barrage Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Zarm Program Power BBC Micro B Cassette 1983
Positron Program Power BBC Micro B Cassette 1983
The Mine Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Which Salt? Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Chess Program Power Acorn Electron Cassette 1983
Space Jailer Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Escape From Moonbase Alpha Program Power Acorn Electron Cassette 1983
Adventure Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Draughts Program Power (Micro Power) BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Cybertron Mission Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Hell Driver Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Bumble Bee Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Beebtote Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Felix and the Fruit Monsters Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Junior Maths Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Reversi Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Bandit's at 3 O'Clock Program Power Acorn Electron Cassette 1983
Galactic Commander Program Power Acorn Electron Cassette 1983
Danger UXB Program Power Acorn Electron Cassette 1983
Felix in the Factory Program Power Acorn Electron Cassette 1983
Killer Gorilla Program Power Acorn Electron Cassette 1983
Caveman Adventure Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1984
Jet Power Jack Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1984
3D Asteroids Program Power Acorn Atom Cassette 1984
Galaxian War / Invasion Program Power Acorn Atom Cassette 1984
Footer Program Power BBC Micro Cassette 1985

Information About Program Power:




This exhibit has a reference ID of CH18940. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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